ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ Bear docs

Custom domains

Linking a custom domain to your blog is done in 3 simple steps.

The 3 steps to linking your custom domain

  1. Add a domain to your blog
  2. Create the DNS records
  3. Validate your domain

Add a domain to your blog

Custom domain setup can be found in your blog's dashboard under Settings > Custom domain.

Set your custom domain and select Save.

This will give you DNS records to create at your domain registrar.

Create the DNS records

Once you have a domain registered with a domain registrar, create the following DNS records on in your DNS editor:

Type Name Content TTL
CNAME @ domain-proxy.bearblog.dev 3600
CNAME www domain-proxy.bearblog.dev 3600

If you want the blog on a subdomain (eg: https://blog.example.com), substitute the @ for blog.

If you are using Cloudflare, ensure the proxy (the orange cloud) is either turned off, or your SSL/TLS mode is set to Full (Strict).

Problems setting a root CNAME

If you're having an issue setting a CNAME record for @ (some DNS providers have this issue) you can instead set up the following A record:

Type Name Content TTL
A @ 3600
A www 3600

It is preferable to use a CNAME record if your provider supports it, as it is dynamic and handles both IPv4 and IPv6 under the hood.

Validate your domain

Go to your custom domain. It should load your blog. If you receive an SSL error on your first load, reload the page. It is likely that your SSL certificate is being issued.

Note that DNS records can sometimes take a few minutes to propagate. You can check your DNS record propagation with DNS Checker

If you are having serious problems setting up your DNS records, you can email me with a screenshot of your records and a description of the problem.